Advantages of Elevating Legs While Sleeping

Are you waking up feeling achy, disoriented, or simply not well-rested? If so, it might be worth considering elevating your legs while you sleep. This simple action can actually have a multitude of benefits, thanks to the added height it provides.

Allow us to delve into this comprehensive guide that explores the advantages of sleeping with elevated legs and provides guidance on how to incorporate it into your routine.

Within this Guide:Benefits | How to | FAQ | Citations

Sleeping with elevated legs offers a myriad of benefits that contribute to overall well-being and improved health. While it may require a conscious effort, the potential rewards make it well worth considering.

Below, we present a concise selection of the numerous benefits associated with sleeping with elevated legs.

To begin, elevating your legs is one of the most effective methods for enhancing blood circulation.

How does it work? By elevating your legs, you take advantage of the force of gravity, allowing blood to flow effortlessly back to your heart without added strain. This reduces the workload on your heart and enables it to efficiently distribute blood to all parts of your body.

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Additionally, elevating your legs is an excellent way to combat inflammation. With less stress on your heart, stress levels decrease, enabling the heart to deliver fresh, oxygenated blood more effectively to various areas of your body.

Surprisingly, lifting your legs can also provide relief from back pain. Though it may not initially seem connected, elevating your legs actually reduces pressure on your spine and back muscles.

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Here’s why: When your legs are elevated, the pressure on your spine diminishes, allowing it to return to a neutral position.

If you have an adjustable bed, you have the added advantage of being able to elevate or lower your shoulders and upper back. Adjustable beds provide a personalized experience, allowing you to find the perfect level of elevation that suits your needs.

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Furthermore, improved blood flow reduces the risk of clotting, which is particularly beneficial for individuals at a higher risk of clots or those who spend extended periods of time in bed.

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Varicose veins manifest as expanded vessels that twist and turn, predominantly in the lower extremities. This condition prevails frequently and generally poses no significant harm, although it may unsettle certain individuals.

If the desire arises to alleviate the prominence of varicose veins, an effective approach involves raising the legs. This action alleviates pressure on the veins, enabling them to regain a more customary and less protuberant appearance.

varicose veins

Sciatica is distinguished by the presence of pain that courses along the trajectory of the sciatic nerve, thus causing radiating discomfort. This painful sensation primarily emanates from the spinal region and progresses downwards through the posterior thigh. Often, only one side of the body experiences the impact of sciatica.

To mitigate this painful experience, elevating the legs is an appropriate measure that effectively negates pressure exerted upon the nerve. As pressure diminishes, so does the severity of the radiating discomfort.

Brooklyn Bedding Sedona edge support – side sleeping

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In instances where sciatica solely afflicts one lateral aspect of the body, a fruitful technique involves reclining on the inverse side. For instance, supine placement on the left side is viable when the nerve pain is concentrated on the right side.

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Brooklyn Bedding Sedona edge support - side sleeping

A multitude of methodologies exist for sleeping with elevated legs. This can be achieved without necessitating specialized apparatus or products and can feasibly be executed with items readily available within the confines of your abode.

The three most efficacious techniques for adopting a leg-elevated sleep posture encompass:

Utilizing Pillows:

Embracing an Adjustable Bed:

Leg elevation pillows are a convenient and affordable method to raise your legs. You can simply stack them on your bed. The goal is to achieve a height of 6-12″ above your heart, so stack as many pillows as necessary to reach this level.

Another easy way to elevate your legs, improve blood circulation, and reduce stress is by using a folded blanket. You can use any type of blanket that provides comfort and adjust it as needed.

Stacked pillows

For a more permanent solution to elevate your legs, you might consider investing in an adjustable bed. Adjustable foundations can raise specific parts of your mattress, keeping your feet elevated above your heart.

How long should you elevate your legs? Elevating your legs offers numerous benefits, so feel free to try this technique periodically throughout the day. You can raise your legs while relaxing on the couch or watching TV, or elevate them at night before bedtime. If you experience tingling in your feet, take a break to allow for easier blood flow to your feet, ankles, and toes.

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How high should you elevate your legs? Ideally, you should aim to elevate your legs 6-12″ above your heart for optimal results.

How can you elevate your legs for sleeping? Pillows, wedges, blankets, or an adjustable bed base are all effective methods to elevate your legs during sleep.

Why is it beneficial to elevate your legs during sleep? Elevating your legs 6-12″ above your chest enhances blood flow and reduces stress on the heart, as it doesn’t need to work as hard to circulate blood throughout your body, thanks to the assistance of gravity.


– “6 Benefits of Sleeping with Your Legs Elevated.” GhostBed®,

– Admin. “9 Benefits of Sleeping with Your Legs Elevated.” Sleeping Organic, 3 May 2022,

– Backyardstudios. “The Importance of Elevating Your Feet to Reduce Swelling.” Peripheral Vascular Associates, 4 Apr. 2019,

– by admin, Published. “7 Benefits of Sleeping with Your Legs Elevated on an Adjustable Bed.” ZerogBeds Blog, 27 May 2021,

– By: Peter Derman, MD. “3 Little-Known Tips for Sleeping with Sciatica.” Spine,

– “Elevation of the Legs.” Stanford Health Care (SHC) – Stanford Medical Center, 11 Sept. 2017,

– Gilpin, Rachael. “Pros and Cons of Sleeping with Legs Elevated.” Sleep Advisor, 27 Dec. 2022,

– Person. “Elevating Legs: Health Benefits, How to, Precautions.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 1 Feb. 2021,

– Smith, Jake Smith Jake. “A Leg Elevation Pillow Can Help Ease Swelling, Pain, and Even Varicose Veins.” Prevention, 15 June 2022,

  • Exploring the Advantages of Sleeping with Elevated Legs
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    According to Stream and his insightful article titled “8 Benefits of Sleeping with Yours Legs Elevated,” there are numerous advantages to adopting this unique sleeping position. Stream highlights the positive impact it can have on our overall well-being. In fact, he argues that elevating our legs during sleep can bring about significant improvements in our physical health.

    Another source that sheds light on the topic is Lounge Doctor, a trusted platform known for its expert advice. In their article titled “Three Ways a Leg Elevation Pillow Can Help Ease the Symptoms of DVT,” Lounge Doctor emphasizes the role of leg elevation pillows in alleviating the specific symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis. By using these pillows, individuals can experience relief from the discomfort caused by this condition.

    Furthermore, Wildbore brings a fresh perspective to the discussion in his article titled “Should I Sleep with My Legs Elevated?” Published on Opera Beds’ Knowledge Hub, Wildbore elaborates on the benefits of adopting this sleeping position. His insights shed light on the potential positive effects it can have on our overall sleep quality and physical well-being.

    By delving into these informative sources, we gain a deeper understanding of the advantages associated with sleeping with elevated legs. Whether we seek relief from specific conditions such as DVT or aim to enhance our overall sleep experience, elevating our legs during sleep can be a worthwhile practice to consider.